Lovebugs Rescue is committed to helping save lives in many ways. By preventing unplanned pregnancies in dogs and cats, we are directly reducing the amount of dogs entering the shelter. 

Unplanned litters are the number one reason so many dogs end up in the shelter. The overpopulation problem continues to increase daily and could be avoided with a very simple procedure. Why don’t people spay or neuter? Because it’s expensive! We are committed to helping low income families with the spay & neuter costs for both dogs and cats. If approved through our application process, the applicant will be required to pay a $25 co-pay per animal; Lovebugs Rescue will pay any costs above that and include a microchip with a pre-paid registration.

What to expect if your application is approved:
If your application is approved, you will be contacted by one of our team members to answer any questions you have about the process. You will be asked to make the $25 co-payment via our DONATE tab. Once we receive payment, we will provide you with a voucher to bring with you the day of the procedure. You will call our vet directly to make an appointment at your discretion. You will need to provide the voucher number to our vet at the time of making the appointment. You may re-schedule your appointment up to 24 hours in advance, but If you miss your appointment for any reason, your $25 co-pay is non refundable.

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